Chotha post hain

Symbol meanings are viruses for many groups of organisms. Singers perform these types of hot spectrum types. Some per diems have been influenced only by certain species of organisms. These are called Nisha Pati Nick (Specific Antibiotic).

Effects of Antibiotics

Respiratory substances affect various types of bacteria c. (A) Antibiotic, which neutralizes cell wall and plasma art, makes the cell wall text of the antibiotic bacteria neutralized by reaching the cell wall. Examples

: Antimicrobial substances like polymyxin, naametan etc. (B) Antibiotic penicillin cephalosporins, which restrict the synthesis of cell wall, reduce their growth by slowing down the biological synthesis and freeing nutrition from bacteria.

(C) An antibiotic that inherits protein synthesis, such as tratycyclins, steptomycin, etc., affects the action of protein synthesis by linking with the 304 subunit of S5 of Ravasome. (B) affecting the synthesis of nucleic acids

Antibiotics - Mizomycin, Actinomyces etc. s. a. Of

Affects Synthesis While Rifomisin RNA

Affect Synthesis, A: Increase in Ovulation, C Division

The action of is blocked.

Antibodies of Medicinal Importance

Some drugs are antibiotics of the following importance: Pencillin; Planetary matter in Fleming (Fileminp1929)

He succeeded in controlling the intelligence of H. infenza by obtaining it from one called Penicillium notatum. Flor Chen (Fae (in) and his comrades in 1940 achieved this antibiotic in a concentric and permanent state, and Streptococci and Stemistococci. The work of denaturing the enrichment of. Penicillin is produced industrially in many countries today.

Large scale penicillin pe. Is obtained from Chrysogenum. The drug penicillin is obtained in the form of sodium or pasha salts, which are very pulsating and permanent. These are in the cadence state, are active at pl15-7, it is called 'tenses'' unit per mg. Is measured in or mega units.

Commercial production

Industrial production of penicillin was needed during the Second World War. Today it is a multi-billion dollar business industry. Ghee, Chisosinum Many variations are used for commercial production. In the medium for the model, the call is added to phenol ethanoic acid, which accelerates the formation of the precursor substance of penicillin.

fes f

is. For that, deep fermenting taxa are used in maize overtones of speech Jagar salts, Tees. ল Faunal Penik is kept together. In this, after pouring seine conidia, it keeps stirring continuously while stirring the air and in 200 hours the low power is cultivated by the farmer. It is separated from the liquid. It is washed many levels. In mathematics, the potassium ion is mixed and re-ignited. Thus penicillin is obtained in the crystalline state

Toxoid and Vaccine

The discovery is attributed to Vaccines to Jenner, 1978. No found that workers employed in the dairy, who were suffering from horse pox, during the epidemic জে জে. So until then, vaccination as a function developed the disease. First James Phipps (James) The 3 geog child named Phipps) was vaccinated from the cow pox. He received the vaccine from the cow who prepared the vaccine. In the Latin language, the cow is called as (he). So they are named (Vaccination) occurred.

Types of Vaccines

Scientists have tried to produce many types of vaccines, some of which are:

Bacterial Vaccines: This type of vaccine is prepared in avirulent strain of bacteria or dead bacterial cells. Vaccines for typhoid plague, pneumonia, tuberculosis and streptococcus-caused diseases are examples of this.

Torind toxoid Vaccines: Many bacteria synthesize bio-toxins (trains) or habitats during their sedimentary activities. Which are harmful for nutrition. By converting these bio-organisms into chemical or physical form, they become harmful. These are called Toxoid or invention. When they are operated in any animal body, they are immune to the particular disease by making them immune to nutritional immune institute like taki. They remain effective for a long time. Examples of this type of vaccine are tetanus, diphtheria vaccines.

Ricketsial Vaccines: Vaccines made from Ricketsi microorganisms fall into this category. These microorganisms are cultured on a variegated, fetal pouch bag (Yolk Sac) and co


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